Friday, 31 January 2014



So, I'm not a great blogger but you know I try and sat in my chair scrolling through YouTube it came to me... Vlog!! My brain said to me "Girl,here is the facts: 1) you take a camera with you everywhere you go. 2) YouTube is an amazing platform and 3) Vloginig would be easier than trying to blog about your day"! Well thank you brain, you've been helpful!

Therefore as a bit of a trial run I have set up the 'youngcarersvlogs' YouTube channel  in the hope of really being able to show you what life is like as a young carer but like always I'll need your support.

Now by this time next week (if you remind me (Family and friends that's you!!)) then you should have the first youngcarersvlogs video up online!!

Much love to you all, wish me look and hopefully I will see you all soon!!

Shannon x

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The Festivities.

Decorating the tree- Shannon and Mum bonding time!!


Fish and chip supper at Wilma's! oh and we thought we'd decorate her house!!


 Shopping and cake decorating!!

Christmas Day- A good old bit of family time!!

 Boxing Day with Nana, and all my lovely presents from Dad's Family
Family meal out!! (30/12/13)
New Years Eve 
Ok so some of you are going "the pictures are great but put them on your facebook or something; this has nothing to do with being a young carer!!". Well it kind of does, yeah you're right but putting these pictures up was my way of saying 'look guys life can be normal' ok we had the odd topple and fall and we had our down days! However Christmas was still Christmas! 

This is where I say goodbye and love you all and Happy New Year!!! 
Shannon xxx